Laboratory 2: microprogramming a compact instruction set

The main goal of this laboratory is to learn how to design an instruction set for a computer. The main knowledge to be practiced are microprogramming, assembly programming and information representation.

For the development of the laboratory, it is necessary to review the following concepts: The student is going to use the WepSIM simulator to be able to exercise in an interactive way the concepts and knowledge indicated above.

This laboratory consists of 2 exercises that you can develop and test in WepSIM.

Exercise 1

The company we are work with request you to design, implement and test a new instruction set similar to the RISC-V instruction set, using the WepSIM simulator. Instructions are listed in Table 1. The instructions will be encoded in 32 bits.

Instruction Format Associated functionality Status register
lui RRE1, U32 CO (31-26): 010010
RRE1 (25-21)
U32 (63-32)
BR[RRE1] ← U32 Not updated
sw RRE1, (RRE2) CO (31-26): 010000
RRE1 (25-21)
RRE2 (20-16)
Memory[RRE1] ← BR[RRE2] Not updated
lw RRE1, (RRE2) CO (31-26): 010011
RRE1 (25-21)
RRE2 (20-16)
BR[RRE1] ←Memory[RRE2] Not updated
add RRE1, RRE2, RRE3 CO (31-26): 011000
RRE1 (25-21)
RRE2 (20-16)
RRE3 (15-11)
BR[RRE1] ← BR[RRE2] + BR[RRE3] Updated
addi RRE1, RRE2, S16 CO (31-26): 011010
RRE1 (25-21)
RRE2 (20-16)
S16 (15-0)
BR[RRE1] ←BR[RRE2] +S16 Updated
neg RRE1, RRE2 CO (31-26): 011011
RRE1 (25-21)
RRE2 (20-16)
BR[RRE1] ← 0 - RRE2 Updated
bnz S16 CO (31-26): 110011
S16 (15-0)
IF (SR. Z)
PC ← PC + S16
Not updated
beq RRE1, RRE2, S10 CO (31-26): 110100
RRE1 (25-21)
RRE2 (20-16)
S10 (9-0)
IF (RRE1 x RRE2)
PC ← PC + S10
Not updated
jto RRE1 U16 CO (31-26): 100001
RRE1 (25-21)
U16 (15-0)
PC ← U16
Not updated
jr RRE1 CO (31-26): 100010
RRE1 (25-21)
PC ← BR[RRE1] Not updated
halt CO (31-26): 100011 PC ← 0x00
SR ← 0x00
Not updated

Table 1.- RISC-V-like instruction set

The notation used for the instructions is the following one:
The values "S16/S10" indicate that sign extension must be made while in "U16" no sign extension is made (filled with leading zeros).

The following is the mapping between RISC-V registers and WepSIM registers. This association must be indicated in the register section of the microcode of the requested instructions.

RISC-V WepSIM register Meaning
x0 zero R0 Contains a zero
x1 ra R1 Call Return vAddress
x2 sp R2 Stack pointer
x3 gp R3 Global pointer
x4 tp R4 Thread pointer
x5 ... x7 t0 ... t2 R5 ... R7 Temporary Records (1/2)
x8 fp R8 Stack frame
x9 s1 R9 Record saved
x10 ... x11 a0 ... a1 R10 ... R11 Argument for functions (1/2) and return values
x12 ... x17 a2 ... a7 R12 ... R17 Function Argument (2/2)
x18 ... x27 s2 ... s11 R18 ... R27 Registers saved
x28... x31 t3 ... t6 R28 ... R31 Temporary Records (1/2)

Table 2.- RISC-V registers

Each registers has two names and when programming it is possible to use both x0 or zero, x1 or ra, etc.
For the main control registers: WepSIM RT1, RT2, and RT3 registers are transparent to the assembler programmer.

In order to pass arguments to a subroutine in our RISC-V assembler, the a0... a7 registers will be used, and the a0 and a1 registers will be used to return results (one value in a0, and for two values a0 and a1). In the case of our RISC-V, passing more than eight arguments to a subroutine, from ninth to last of the arguments would be passed on the stack. Consider that a subroutine has to keep the value within registers s0... s11, sp, fp and ra between calls.

The results of this exercise are related to the design of the microcode (memory of laboratory) and the microcode itself (mc file for WepSIM). A valid implementation that minimizes the number of clock cycles will be assessed, briefly justifying in memory the design decisions that have been made to achieve this.

Exercise 2

To test the instructions of the exercise 1 you can encode the programs that you deem appropriate. However, the company asks us to carry out a program in assembler (in order to make a demonstration) that uses the RISC-V instruction set requested in exercise 1.

The program to be encoded, using the RISC-V statements designed in the previous section, will have the same functionality as that of the following program written in high-level language:

This program has a sumav routine that receives two arguments: the number of elements of an integer vector and the start direction of that integer vector. The routine returns the sum of the numbers contained in the vector passed by argument. There is also a main routine that takes care of calling the sumav routine and ending the program. Note the registers used in the convention for argument passing on this RISC-V are described at the end of Exercise 1.

The results of this exercise must be indicated both, the part of the memory corresponding to this exercise and in the file associated with the requested functionality.

Tip: this subrutine is part of the WepSIM example 4

           w3: .word 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

         li  x3  1
         li  x4  4
         la  x5  w3
         li  x7  0

         # loop initialization
         li  x1  0
         li  x2  5

         # loop header
  loop1: beq x1 x2 end1

         # loop body
         mul x6 x1 x4
         add x6 x6 x5
         lw  x6 0(x6)
         add x7 x7 x6

         # loop next...
         add x1 x1 x3
         beq x0 x0 loop1

         # loop end
   end1: jr ra

Extra material

Save a checkpoint with WepSIM

WepSIM allows you to save the entire working session into a single file. This session can include the requested microcode, the assembly code, the states at different execution points, and a recording of the work session. In this way it is more agile to continue the work or share that work among members of the laboratory group.

To do this you have to use what in the WepSIM simulator is called checkpoint. The following are the steps to save a checkpoint: